Swarovski crystal self adhesive reusable paisley ankle tattoo Body decor 2019, pretty legs and body decor anklegz paisley n peacock
Swarovski crystal self adhesive reusable paisley ankle tattoo Body decor 2019
copyright product from Definition exclusive Japan collections now over 5000 sold in Japan and carried in world famous Tokyu Dept stores.
self adhesive reusable
store back in original pack
We have over 24 styles in 6 color ways each
We can send you pictures too but too large scale copying by some unscrupulous etsy sellers we choose to send in pictures on buyers requests only. definitions introduced the concept of ankle wearable art which was featured in seventeen magazine 10 years back, Now at present we have 24 of the prettiest designs, design concept was by our
Henna Mehndi artists enlarged by me to bring you the hand concept into brilliant foot jewelry.
Our paid models pictures with our expensive Swarovski elements and European beads are being shown by some unscrupulous sellers on etsy ,
they ship plastic crap showing our
pictures of high quality items,
Every smart eye knows what original is
We spend thousands of $ on models pictures presentation
But copiers are hunting to cheat ,
Deception and greed for buyers beware